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The guitarist Brian May apologizes for comments, after almost being cancelled

Brian May went to Instagram to apologize and justify his point.

By Mub Music News Staff at 30/11/2021
Brian May went to Instagram to apologize and justify his point.

Image credit: Getty Images.

It all started when Brian May, during a chat with Ultimate Classic Rock, said he did not agree with the Brit Awards‘ decision to no longer divide the award categories between “male” and “female”, and hinted that, for him, the Today’s world is very complicated.

“I worry about this culture of cancellation. I believe some things are good, but they also bring bad things and injustices. We think in different ways, but not necessarily worse ways. Freddie (Mercury, vocalist) came from Zanzibar, he he wasn’t British, he wasn’t white, no one cared about it, no one ever discussed it. He was a musician, our friend, our brother, we never stopped to think ‘Oh, should we work with him? He has the color adequate? Does he have the correct sexual orientation?’ None of that happened, and these days I find it scary to have to be so calculating about it all.” And then the guitarist amended yet another comment that caused more controversy: “(My fear is that) Queen would be forced to have people of different colors and genders, and we would have to have a trans (person).”

Brian May then went to Instagram to apologize and justify his point:

“Yes, I was mistaken and manipulated by a journalist at a recent ITV event, which led to a huge mess of stories in the press, implying that I’m not friendly with trans people.

Nothing could be further from the truth. My words have been subtly distorted. I should have known better before talking to those predators in the press.

Sincere apologies to everyone who felt hurt, my heart is as open as it always has been to everyone humans of all colors, all creeds, all sexes and sexualities, all shapes and sizes – and all creatures. We all deserve respect and a place in the sun.

And my thanks to all of you who stepped forward to defend me in these The last few days. It’s very important to know that you have faith in me. With love, Bri.”