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Listening to Taylor Swift music at the White House was worth firing, Donald Trump adviser reveals

“Are you trying to get fired?” was the ‘notice’ that Olivia Troye received the day she decided to listen to Taylor Swift music at the White House when Donald Trump was President of the United States.

By Mub Music News Staff at 23/11/2021
“Are you trying to get fired?” was the ‘notice’ that Olivia Troye received the day she decided to listen to Taylor Swift music at the White House when Donald Trump was President of the United States.

Olivia Troye, a former adviser to Donald Trump’s government, revealed in a new interview that listening to Taylor Swift’s music in the White House nearly got her fired. In an interview with MSNBC television channel, Troye recalls the warning she received the day she decided to listen to the artist’s songs in her office.

“A colleague of mine knocked on the door and asked me, ‘Are you trying to get fired?'” she says, then explaining that she was confused by the question, “I asked him, ‘For being brusque in meetings or something else? ‘. He replied that he thought Taylor Swift wasn’t a Trump fan and that I should be careful.”

Troye would eventually resign in August 2020, having later supported the candidacy of Joe Biden, who won the elections against Trump and is the current president of the United States. It also became an ardent critic of the former president.